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Welcome to Probolinggo City Tourism & Creative Industry Blogspot

This blogspot is dedicated through intens communications, sharing information, and travel link beyond the tourism objects and creative industries in Probolinggo City, East Java. It would take lead for both us into good perspective in tourism development as well. So hopefully, it could attract more visitors to come to Probolinggo City. Enjoy Probolinggo City!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Morning on Sudirman St. in August, 2010

Morning on Sudirman St. (MPS) was innitiated by the Mayor of Probolinggo City, to meet the need of Probolinggo's local residents in such entertainment activities & offer lower cost primary needs. On this occasion, the MPS is held on the very special moment. it would proudly to present the morning day for anniversary of independent day Republik of Indonesia for 65 years. Long live Indonesia!